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China offers opportunities for EU's digital development, says diplomat

0次浏览     发布时间:2025-03-20 06:32:00    

BRUSSELS, March 19 (Xinhua) -- China provides opportunities for the European Union's (EU) digital development and serves as a partner in upholding the bloc's technological sovereignty, a Chinese diplomat has said.

Wang Lei, coordinator for cyber and digital affairs at China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made the remarks at the ninth meeting of the China-EU Cyber Taskforce in Brussels on Tuesday. Representatives from the two sides exchanged views on cyber and digital cooperation as well as global governance.

The Chinese delegation emphasized that China and the EU have no clash of fundamental interests or geopolitical conflicts, highlighting their status as partners in mutual success. This strategic perspective, it noted, forms the foundation of its approach to China-EU relations and is crucial for managing cybersecurity and digital development.

Both sides should work toward a shared strategic understanding as digital development partners, fostering an open, fair, and cooperative business environment and ambiance for their enterprises while jointly promoting digital innovation, the Chinese delegation stated.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the EU. China views itself as an opportunity for the EU's digital development and a partner in safeguarding its technological sovereignty. Beijing hopes that the EU, considering its long-term interests, will also become China's partner in digital advancement, the delegation said.

Manon Le Blanc, coordinator for cyber issues at the European External Action Service, said the EU is ready to engage with China constructively to expand mutually beneficial cooperation. She noted that the two sides share common interests and objectives in the cyber and digital domains and should work to build mutual trust through candid and open dialogue. By doing so, they can jointly address challenges in cyberspace, uphold a secure, open, and stable digital environment, and contribute to economic and social development.

  • BRUSSELS, March 19 (Xinhua) -- China provides opportunities for the European Union's (EU) digital development and serves as a partner in upholding the
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